Mary’s Story

Mary’s Story

Mary first visited our clinics in 2012 when she needed a pregnancy test—this is when she found out she was pregnant with her daughter. Fast forward 10 years later, and she got a referral list from Legacy Hospital after finding out she was pregnant with her son, Job....
Cindy’s Story

Cindy’s Story

I met with Cindy and her adorable 18-month-old on a warm autumn day. Her son, dressed in a tan set of overalls, would not stop putting his head on his momma- a clear sign of the affection these two shared. When I asked Cindy how she came to Ava Health, she explained...
Abortion has Changed

Abortion has Changed

Enough has changed in who, when, and how women are obtaining abortions, that most of us have an outdated idea of abortion. Even within the last six years, substantial shifts have taken place. Abortion has changed.   When most people think about abortion, they probably...
Committed to the Gospel

Committed to the Gospel

I’ve been really encouraged by the response to our change in the name of the clinics of First Image from Pregnancy Resource Center to Ava Health. It’s a significant change, so, understandably, people have questions. We’ve addressed most of these in our frequently...
Care has a new name!

Care has a new name!

Who has God called us to serve through the ministry of First Image?  It’s hard to overstate how important this question is. It shapes how we do our work, and it’s a question that has consistently been in the forefront of our minds- especially over the last year....
Leslie’s Story

Leslie’s Story

Leslie’s Story Leslie was in a time in her life that she felt like she didn’t have a lot of support or resources around her. She suspected that she was pregnant but wanted to confirm with an official test. She couldn’t afford one, however, so she looked online...