Nov 21, 2016 | First Image, News
Are you passionate about the work that First Image does to renew the Image of God in the lives of those who have been impacted by sexual brokenness and abortion? Would you be excited by the opportunity to work for the growth of this ministry in greater Portland so...
Nov 1, 2016 | First Image
We win, no matter the outcome of the election. That’s because our mission is not dependent on political outcomes. Certainly, politics and public policy have serious impact on our families, our neighbors, and our community. But that has always been true and First...
Nov 1, 2016 | PRC, Stories
My name is Eugenie. It’s a French name. I am from Cameroon in Central and West Africa. I came to the United States about 8 years ago. I was an international student at Clackamas Community College, where I became involved with a man on campus and later found out that I...
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