
First Image serves as an embassy of hope. As ambassadors for Christ, you and I can offer true compassion and proclaim the gift of life to men and women facing an unplanned or unsupported pregnancy when the dominant voices of our culture and its institutions promote the false hope that the best solution for them is abortion. 

At First Image, we are thankful we can offer hope and provide for the real physical and spiritual needs of the women we serve in our centers. They need to connect with people who will care enough to educate them about the full personhood of the baby they carry. They need to access the medical and practical resources that will lead them into a healthy pregnancy and prepare them for parenting or an adoption plan. They need to hear about the God who loved them enough to send his Son, and now stands ready to shepherd them through this challenge, and the rest of their lives. 

You and I are the God-given ambassadors of hope whom they need to encounter. 

During this last year, our First Image staff has continued to help women and men without interruption. Thanks to partners like you, we have adjusted to all the protocols, and bore the added stress, in order for women to have access to help in their pregnancy and in their relationships. I am unhesitatingly proud of the First Image staff and volunteers! And I am unreservedly thankful for the individual and church partners who have made this possible through your prayers and giving. 

We have not only held steady, we have prepared for this next season to reach more clients, and to serve them more substantially. 

1. Currently expanding and remodeling two of our centers. 

2. Increased center staffing for more ultrasound nurses, nurse consults, and our new nursing service Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing and counsel. 

3. Expanding our Heart abortion recovery ministry to include pregnancy loss via miscarriage and adoption. 

4. Working to offer life coaching services to equip clients for better life progress. 

5. Continuously improving our digital marketing so potential clients will find us when they search for help. 

Without hope, people give up. Without real hope in God’s grace and truth, people pursue paths that they will regret. Together with you, we have the joy of serving as Christ’s ambassadors of hope to these neighbors. 

In His Image,
Larry Gadbaugh
First Image CEO