
When it comes to unplanned pregnancy, the playing field is hardly even. If it seems like too much to handle, men can just walk away.

Biologically, women don’t have that luxury.

And oftentimes, even the men who think they are being supportive are doing more harm than good. The language of our society has cut men out of the conversation. Pregnancy is primarily seen as a women’s rights issue — her body, her decision.

However, the widely-accepted phrase “I’ll support whatever decision you make” is just one more way for a man to opt out of taking responsibility because it places the weight of both the decision and its consequences on the shoulders of the woman.

What men aren’t told is that they are one of the most significant influences in their partner’s pregnancy decision.

The decision-making process is radically transformed for a woman when the father of her child is committed to walk with her and support her and their child every step of the way.

What, then, is a man supposed to do when he is face-to-face with the reality of being a father, but doesn’t feel adequately equipped to take on the responsibility?

The Fatherhood Initiative is one way to address this issue. At our PRCs, fathers facing unplanned pregnancy can receive mentorship, accountability, and encouragement from compassionate men who are committed to helping them see the value and importance of being a father.

We are looking for more Volunteer Male Coaches to join our team. The position includes a 3-day training process and the ability to meet one-on-one with men in a flexible, judgment-free setting. If you are interested in applying to be a male coach, call or email your nearest Pregnancy Resource Center today.