Four years ago, Marie was on her way to an abortion clinic, when she decided at the last minute to drive to Ava Health instead. She was scared, alone and pregnant. God changed her life that day and Marie has been forever marked by the love and care she received at Ava, all in the name of Jesus. Two years later, in 2015 Marie proudly shared her testimony at our Gala Banquet and we were all moved by her story and God’s grace in her life. Join us for an update as we hear how life is going for Marie and her beautiful family today.
I was two months pregnant when I first walked in the doors of Ava Health. My life was in shambles and I was falling apart. It’s now been over four years since that day, and my life is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.
My daughter, Amelia is now three-and-a-half years old. She talks more than anyone I know, loves pirates and princesses, and gives the best hugs and kisses. I can’t get enough of her.
And neither can her daddy. Yes, God gave us a wonderful man. John loves Amelia, loves me, and most of all loves Jesus. I married my best friend on April 3rd, 2016, and the Lord has blessed us with a wonderful life.
A huge part of what makes my life so wonderful, is what God has done in me.
The night that I shared my story at the First Image Gala in 2015, God changed me.
It was the first time I had openly spoken about the events of my past. I climbed that stage frightened but came down empowered. I was forever changed. When I was standing at that podium, God called me – called me to speak and share my story. Since that night, I have walked into that calling, and have had the opportunity to share my story with hundreds of people from multiple audiences. I have been honored to see the beauty that God has made out of such ashes.
The most rewarding part of my new life, though, has been the ministry that He has brought me into, YoungLives, a ministry that shares Christ’s love with teen moms.
I attended a group during my pregnancy. Now, I have started a YoungLives in my city and have been serving as the volunteer coordinator for our area. I have fallen so in love with the mission that I recently left my job in the medical field and plan to come on as full-time staff for our ministry early next year. I have changed my schooling, and am pursuing an education at a Christian University. My life is no longer fully mine, but fully His, and that is the greatest blessing.
When I walked through those doors at Ava Health, and when I stood on that stage at the Gala, God used First Image to show me the power and value of my life, my child, and my story.
First Image touched my life in ways that sent me forward to do His work.
I was cared for, so now I can care. I was served, so now I can serve. I was loved, so now I can love. First Image was there from the beginning.
I was two months pregnant when I first walked in the doors of Ava Health. My life was in shambles but little did I know I was falling right into His hands.
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