
I was only 23 and 6 weeks pregnant when I walked into Ava Health. I had recently aborted twins and found myself pregnant again, and my circumstances weren’t any better. 

The baby’s father was not a good guy. I had no money and my dad said he would kick me out if I chose to carry. My sisters were also pushing me to abort. If all that wasn’t enough, my mom had recently died.  I couldn’t think of any other possible choice but to abort.

The Ava Health advocate talked with me about the challenges that were making me feel like I had to abort. The fear of being homeless with a child was big. The advocate was able to give me housing referrals, but really my biggest concern was the father of the baby, who was not a good guy. I didn’t want to share rights to the child with this man. The advocate was able to give me legal referrals as well so I could talk to somebody about paternity rights.

The advocate encouraged me to get an ultrasound to accurately date the pregnancy and check for viability. We scheduled it for 12 days out. I was reluctant but I agreed to hold off on my decision to abort until after the ultrasound appointment. The advocate prayed with me before I left; I asked her to pray that I would get a job.

I came back for the ultrasound and found out that I was pregnant again with twins! I was shocked and filled with emotion. Right then and there the ultrasound image and two heart beats changed my mind!

I couldn’t abort again, I would carry. But, after I left, I didn’t feel so sure.

I was overwhelmed, anxious, and didn’t feel capable of taking care of twins alone.

By the time the advocate called me to follow up; I had made an appointment for an abortion. 

The counselor wanted me to come in and talk, but I was pretty sure I would abort at this point. I agreed to a follow up phone call for the next week.

My abortion appointment came and went. I didn’t go through with it. I was still uncertain. In the mean time, I had gotten two jobs and was excited about that, but still stressed that my dad was going to make me move out if I had the babies. The advocate reminded me that we had prayed for a job and God had blessed me with not one, but two and that God would help me with everything I needed to care for my children.

By the time we talked again, I had decided I would definitely carry. 

I just couldn’t go through another abortion and was feeling a little better about my situation. Especially since along the way, my dad started to get excited about having twin grand girls and let me stay living with him! I called just before my girls were born to ask about car seats. Apparently two brand new matching purple car seats had been donated the day before. It was a gift from God especially for me. I was extremely thankful.

In April 2013, my girls were born, Ariel and Aliza. My dad loves them so much and is so helpful with them. We all continue to live together and I couldn’t imagine it any other way.

