
Thousands of millennials are alive today because of the compassionate presence of First Image.

By His grace, and the conviction and compassion of people like you, we’re celebrating our 35th year—meaning we’re the same age as the oldest “millennial.” It is no accident that First Image was birthed to offer hope and help so the mothers of the first millennials who were facing unsupported pregnancy could have every opportunity and resource to bring life to their children. An entire generation has been impacted for the glory of God!

I, too, continue to be transformed and empowered by a community who brings the grace and truth of Christ to people around us, people who would be otherwise overwhelmed by the dominant voices of the culture that confuse and harm in their time of need.

Our 35 years have not been without challenges
as we’ve sought to reach those who need us most and to engage those who are reluctant to become associated with perhaps the most controversial issues in the culture since Roe in 1973. At this moment, we are all faced with the polarization of our community around politics, the ongoing defamation campaign against PRCs by the abortion industry, and a creeping ambivalence among churches as they seek to be faithful in the face of the post-Christian shift in culture.

And yet…

God’s grace has always been greater than these challenges. He has called First Image as heart, hands, and voice to shine light, love, and life into the lives of our neighbors through our PRCs, The Reality Project, and Heart.

With your prayerful support and generous gifts, we have always pursued our mission to live out God’s heart to renew His image in the lives of those that have been impacted by sexual brokenness and abortion, all the while empowered by the conviction and compassion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Your partnership allows us to continue navigating these cultural challenges effectively. Together, we’re able to provide more women with the resources they deserve in our three centers—resources like STI testing (since our clients are in the high-risk demographic); clients are much more likely to find us in their online searches related to “pregnancy” and similar terms; The Reality Project staff has grown, increasing the number of students who will be able to hear a counter-cultural message of sexual integrity, and we continue to strengthen our church partnerships so that the body of Christ is equipped to respond to the complex and volatile needs exploding in our communities.

These needs are beyond any of our human resources, but they are not beyond the power, compassion, and wisdom of the God who loved us so much that He sent Jesus to transfer us from the domain of darkness into his kingdom of eternal life!

I invite you to give praise to God who has been so faithful to deliver this generation and generations to come from the path of despair, regret, and death. And I invite you to join us in trusting and following Jesus together as we continue to experience his guidance, provision, grace and life-transforming power as we serve our neighbors being threatened by sexual brokenness and abortion. He is so good.

In His Image,
Larry Gadbaugh,
First Image CEO