
Fundraise online HERE. Questions? Contact Kelsey, [email protected] or 503.256.0808 x58

Our online fundraising platform does not allow for participants to enter offline pledges directly into their fundraising page. Only event staff will be able to enter in these pledges for you.

In order to reflect these pledges on your fundraising page and accurately track your progress, you can:

  1. Fill out a Google Form found HERE or at the bottom of the page and turn in corresponding money at the walk. (Less paperwork to turn in!)
  2. Mail in or drop off completed Offline Sponsorship forms before May 20th to our Headquarters. If you drop off, please also turn in the corresponding cash/checks to speed up check-in at the Walk. We do not recommend mailing large sums of cash.

Download and print these forms to record Offline Sponsorships or to Register Offline. If you are fundraising online, there is no need to fill out the Registration Form.

Fundraising Tips and Sponsorship Letter

2017 Steps for Life promo flyer

Steps for Life Rep Packet

Submit Offline Pledges