
Leslie’s Story

Leslie was in a time in her life that she felt like she didn’t have a lot of support or resources around her. She suspected that she was pregnant but wanted to confirm with an official test. She couldn’t afford one, however, so she looked online for places that offer free pregnancy tests near her. Pregnancy Resource Center popped up immediately, and she was surprised that it was only five minutes down the road. Reflecting on her experience with us, she said the scheduling was super easy and the person on the phone was super nice, so it was a “no-brainer” for her to come to our center.

Our staff was able to provide her with pregnancy testing, which verified that she was pregnant. She was in shock. “It was super unplanned, and I didn’t know what to do.” After talking with staff, they scheduled her to get an ultrasound and referred her to a few other community resources.

“…Jess and the organization were really my people to lean on at the time. They were super great with the counseling. She listened to me, and was the most encouraging person I’ve ever talked to. We did prayers together. We did so many things that allowed me to have the courage to continue my pregnancy.”

“Courage to do the right thing takes you a long way and it’s courage [that allows you] to go after the unknown- and as a parent, everything is unknown.”

When she came in in February, the center staff was introduced to her beautiful baby boy.

She said her journey is really about taking it one step at a time. She strives to find more things that allow her to be with her son, staying positive, and looking with hope towards the future. She says, “Courage to do the right thing takes you a long way and it’s courage [that allows you] to go after the unknown- and as a parent, everything is unknown.”