Are you passionate about the work that First Image does to renew the Image of God in the lives of those who have been impacted by sexual brokenness and abortion? Would you be excited by the opportunity to work for the growth of this ministry in greater Portland so that more lives can be reached? Are you the sort of the person that builds relationships easily and isn’t shy about inviting people to join in the things you care about?
First Image was just awarded a milestone grant by the MJ. Murdock Charitable Trust. This grant will allow us to add a capacity-expanding position to our Development Team. This is a fundraising position, focused on building relationships with potential major partners, which includes individuals, corporations, and other organizations in order to grow the revenue of First Image.
Our vision of stewardship work is rooted in the idea that giving, at its core, is about transformation and discipleship into the likeness of Jesus. We are driven by the example of Christ, who gave his life so others could live. That example sits at the heart of both why we invite giving and how we invite it.
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