I couldn’t help but dread the “sex talk” we were going to have next week at youth group.
In the past when I’ve heard Christians talk about sex, it usually involves awkward silences and incomplete messages like, “Don’t do it. Sex is only for marriage. Oh and since you’re a Christian, you’re supposed to wait.”
It has been such a taboo topic that no one wants to talk about at home, let alone church. If it is ever discussed, I feel like there are huge gaps left out. But this time, my pastor seemed genuinely excited, and was even bringing in a guest speaker from The Reality Project.
During the presentation, I was blown away by the speaker and the way he was so real.
He didn’t talk as if sex was a forbidden, scary topic to avoid.
He seemed very natural and explained the science and physiology behind sexuality, which opened my eyes so much. He also went into the spiritual, relational, and emotional implications of sex.
I learned a lot! I thought he was really funny and relatable.
For the first time ever, I didn’t get the impression that “I had to refrain from sex, because it is wrong.” Instead, I left with a deeper understanding and view of sexuality.
The way you think about sex matters. It can impact your life in a significant way. Waiting to have sex is more than saving myself for marriage, it’s connected to my worth and value. I left that day wanting to wait to have sex not because I’m supposed to, but because I know my value, and desire to make a healthy choice for my future.
Deep down I know that being a Christian impacts all of my life, including decisions about sex, but in this season of my life I’ve been wrestling with my faith. Hearing from The Reality Project was very encouraging and helped me remember why I believe what I say I believe.
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